When you require installation of MSU files the local solution using wusa.exe to install the patches / hotfixes will work like a charm running it locally.
Example on installation windows management framework 5.1:
wusa 'C:\Install\Win8.1AndW2K12R2-KB3191564-x64.msu' /quiet /norestart |wait-process
or using start-process
start-process -FilePath 'wusa.exe' -ArgumentList "C:\Install\Win8.1AndW2K12R2-KB3191564-x64.msu /norestart" -wait
Both solutions will install the MSU locally using Wusa.exe.
If you want to remotely install these MSU files using PowerShell ie. invoke-command. You will get an access denied message.
The reason for this is wusa.exe is not allowed to run remote!!
You can though extract the files using wusa.exe and after extraction install them using dism.exe.